Citizens Oversight Committee
Tahoe Forest Health System
Bond Resolution
California Environmental Quality Act
Pre Qual Program
Community Surveys Summary

California Environmental Quality Act
CEQA, or the California Environmental Quality Act, is a statute that requires state and local agencies to identify the significant environmental impacts of their actions (ie developments) and to avoid or mitigate those impacts, if feasible.
For our Measure C projects, we created a CEQA document which identified the potential impacts of our proposed campus development plan and offered solutions or mitigations to those impacts in the document.
Public comments on the CEQA documents were accepted from May 21, 2010 to July 6, 2010. Comments were then included in the CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) that the Hospital District Board of Directors adopted on July 27, 2010. The staff report for that Board action is available on this page also.
Our CEQA documents are listed below and may be downloaded in whole or part. These documents may also be purchased from the Administrative offices of Tahoe Forest Hospital.
CEQA Downloads
- CEQA Initial Study & Adoption
- CEQA Notice
- Mitigated Negative Declaration Staff Report
- Appendix A, Mitigation Measures; Appendix B, Technical Studies
- Appendix C, Response to Comments